#Rooswijk1740 Open Day: Last chance to view finds

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In 2017 and 2018 over 376 surface supplied dives took place by an international team of maritime archaeologists. Visibility on the site ranges from nearly zero to 3m on a good day and the site changes daily due to waves of sand travelling from north to south. Despite this, archaeologists managed to record the wreck and recover over 2,000 artefacts ranging from coins to cannon balls and including both cargo and personal items.

Finds were brought ashore to a shore side base in Ramsgate for recording and first aid conservation before being transferred to the Historic England conservation facility in Portsmouth. Conservation and scientific analysis is now nearing completion and in late 2022 the finds will be undertaking their final journey to The Netherlands. This is the last opportunity to view the finds before they leave the UK.

Our free family friendly open day, as part of the Festival of Archaeology, will have activities for all ages, opportunities to talk to the team who have worked on the project and to find out more about the site. Find out more here.

Free event suitable for all ages supported by project partners and additional funding from the Ramsgate Town Council.

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