MSDS Marine understand that we have a responsibility to manage our activities in a way that promotes environmental best practice. We operate a robust environmental policy to help fulfil this responsibility.
In addition, MSDS Marine are a founding member of the Climate Heritage Network and have appointed an environmental champion, Phoebe Ronn, to champion environmental issues internally at MSDS Marine.
MSDS Marine is committed to meeting its social, economic and environmental responsibilities and recognises that doing so is integral to the long-term success of the business. In order to achieve this commitment, we work hard to find a balance between the financial sustainability of MSDS Marine as a business against wider ethical responsibilities. We comply with all legislation, standards, statutory and other obligations, client policies and best practice where required, reasonably possible and relevant to our activities and the jurisdictions in which we operate. MSDS Marine operate a Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy and a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy that govern how our employees and Directors behave.
We support initiatives to promote environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and diversity through our business culture, financial donations and use of staff time and company resources. The financial support we provide to Protected Wreck Site volunteers and students through the MSDS Marine Award scheme, our apprentices and trainees and other organisations helps to develop skills and deliver better outcomes for education and underwater cultural heritage.
We pay all our permanent staff above the legal minimum wage and the Living Wage or its equivalent in all areas in which we operate. We also encourage our suppliers do the same. We consider the social, economic and environmental aspects of our business decisions in accordance with our Environmental and Sustainability policies and operate in a way that guards against unfair business practice. We operate in accordance with our Well-being, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Working Hours, Dignity at Work and Training and Professional Development policies to ensure all current and potential employees are treated fairly and with respect. This includes promoting a working environment that is free from discrimination, bullying or harassment; offering remuneration packages with equal pay and opportunities regardless of gender that accurately reflect qualifications and experience; and providing training opportunities, apprenticeships and work placement.
We do not use slave, illegal child or forced labour (including human trafficking) either directly or through our supply chain and record the actions we have taken to avoid this in our Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
We provide and maintain a clean, healthy and safe working environment and operate in accordance with our health and safety management system and our Health and Safety policy statement.
We operate in an open and honest way with stakeholders, including our clients and suppliers.
We seek and respond to the opinions of our employees and clients, and respond to any complaints in accordance with our procedures. Our contracts with suppliers clearly set out the agreed terms and conditions and we encourage suppliers to adopt responsible business policies for mutual benefit including improving local labour standards and environmental management in the supply chain. In accordance with our Procurement Policy we pay our suppliers in a timely fashion and operate in accordance with the Prompt Payment Code wherever possible.
We seek to protect the environment by operating in accordance with our environmental management system and Environmental Policy. We acknowledge the value of local communities and aim to build positive relationships wherever possible. We seek to make a positive contribution through the services we provide and encourage participation, interaction and engagement. We recognise the environmental and social benefits of using local suppliers to support our offices.