Historic Buildings

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MSDS Heritage provide a full range of archaeological investigation and recording of buildings whether they are standing, below ground, intertidal or underwater.

Archaeological Building Recording and Investigation

MSDS Heritage have a wide range of experience in the analysis and recording of historic buildings, from photographic surveys and visual building records (Level 1) through to a full comprehensive building survey (Level 4). Our team can also carry out a full range of desk based research as well as investigation and monitoring of material exposed or removed during ongoing works.

Measured Survey

MSDS Heritage have staff who are experienced in the use of specialist survey techniques including terrestrial laser scanning and structure from motion (photogrammetry) to create a digital record of historic buildings which can be used to create a three-dimensional model or produce standard two-dimensional outputs such as analytical plans and elevations.

We can also process existing measured survey datasets to create interpretive and analytical site drawings and illustrations for archaeological purposes.

Consultancy & Advice

Our staff can provide a full range of desk based services required in advance of the adaptation, conservation or demolition of historic buildings. Our services include the preparation of heritage statements, heritage impact assessments, historic area assessments and setting studies as well as statements of significance. We can also assist with project designs and specifications for proposed works to historic buildings, including desk based assessments, written schemes of investigation, and applications for Scheduled Monument Consent & Listed Building Consent.

Architectural Fragment Analysis and Recording

MSDS Heritage have staff experienced in the identification and analysis of architectural fragments removed from buildings, or recovered during archaeological excavation. We can provide analytical reports on architectural fragments as well as compile gazetteers and assist with cataloguing of large collections of objects. We can also provide full photogrammetric recording and archaeological illustration of architectural fragments.
