The Team

Home 5 The Team
Mark James

Mark James MCIfA

Operations & Technical Manager

Mark is a Director of MSDS and has been running the company since 2011. Mark specialises in the management of diving projects and geophysical and hydrographic data collection, processing and interpretation.

Alison James

Alison James MCIfA

Heritage & Systems Manager

Alison is a Director of MSDS with extensive experience in the management of historic shipwreck sites, volunteer involvement, community engagement and education initiatives.

Dr Sally Evans ACIfA

Dr Sally Evans ACIfA

Research & Development Control Manager

Sally is a Director of MSDS and is the Marine Planning Manager who undertakes most of our desk based and research projects. Sally specialises in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) works and GIS projects.

Aisling Nash MCIfA

Aisling Nash MCIfA

Senior Project Officer

Aisling is a Senior Project Officer at MSDS with extensive experience of providing training, archaeological advice and Historic Environment Records.

Alistair Byford-Bates MCIfA

Alistair Byford-Bates MCIfA

Senior Project Officer

Alistair has over ten years of experience within terrestrial and marine archaeology working in both the UK sector and abroad

Beccy Austin MCIfA

Beccy Austin MCIfA

Senior Project Officer

Beccy is a specialist in part IX of the UK Merchant Shipping Act 1995 (Wreck and Salvage) and practised advisor to various UK government departments including contributions to policy formulation by MMO, DfT, MoD and DCMS. Beccy has considerable experience of all aspects of wreck research and marine heritage crime.

Carola del mese

Carola Del Mese


Carola completed a Post Graduate and MA in Conservation of Metals at West Dean College in 2022, and her undergraduate degree was in 3-Dimentional Glass Craftsmanship and Design at Wolverhampton University. Carola is currently conserving objects from the Rooswijk shipwreck.

Jenny Kent ACIfA

Jenny Kent ACIfA

Senior Project Officer

Jenny has extensive experience in maritime archaeology and brings specialist experience in diver tracking and heritage crime to MSDS.

Dr Ken Hamilton

Ken Hamilton MCIFA

Senior Project Officer

Ken joined MSDS in June 2024, having previously worked for Historic England. Ken works primarily in geophysical and hydrographic data collection, processing, and interpretation for archaeology projects in the UK and abroad.

Mateusz Polakowski ACIfA

Dr Mateusz Polakowski ACIfA

Senior Project Officer

Mat is a Senior Project Officer at MSDS. He has over six years experience in the UK and abroad and specialises in marine geophysics and helps identify new opportunities for project development.

Dr Michael Lobb

Dr Michael Lobb MCIfA

Historic Buildings and Geomatics Manager

Michael is an experienced buildings archaeologist with additional experience in recording intertidal structures and historic ships. Michael specialises in the use of terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry for heritage recording.

Tom Harrison ACIfA

Tom Harrison ACIfA

Senior Project Officer

Tom joined MSDS in 2017 as a field maritime archaeologist, diver and diving instructor. Tom specialises in underwater survey, project based GIS and finds recording and handling.

Tony Brown MCIfA

Tony Brown MCIfA

Principal Heritage Consultant

Tony is a Principal Heritage Consultant at MSDS. With a strong background in terrestrial archaeology, he brings his experience of archaeological fieldwork, management, research and consultancy to assist clients in marine development.

Support Staff

Jon Leahy

Jon Leahy

Service Technician

Jon is a highly experienced service technician and keeps all the MSDS equipment serviced and ready to go. He also provides diving equipment servicing, cylinder testing and dry suit repairs to the wider sector through MSDS.

Nick Young

Nick Young

IT Manager
Jack Dogsteau

Jack Dogsteau

Support Officer

Jack is an integral part of the team and essential to the smooth running of MSDS. He brings a wide range of skills to MSDS including quality testing the office furniture for comfort, tasting the books in the vast office library and providing opportunities for exercise for office staff. He also greatly assists our mental health champion in her work by making everyone feel a little bit better!
